Bytes to GB MB Conversion using C#

Hi all,

Just copy the following method to getting file size with GB or MB formatted.

private string GetFileSize(long Bytes)
if (Bytes >= 1073741824)
Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(Bytes, 1073741824);
return String.Format("{0:##.##} GB", size);
else if (Bytes >= 1048576)
{ Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(Bytes, 1048576);
return String.Format("{0:##.##} MB", size);
else if (Bytes >= 1024)
{ Decimal size = Decimal.Divide(Bytes, 1024);
return String.Format("{0:##.##} KB", size);
else if (Bytes > 0 & Bytes <>
{ Decimal size = Bytes;
return String.Format("{0:##.##} Bytes", size);
return "0 Bytes";
