Getting Disk Information using DriveInfo in C#

Hi all,

I'm going to display all disk's information (VolumeLable, File System, Total Space, FreeSpace ...etc). Here is the code...check it out.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DriveInfo[] allDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
Label lbl;
int i = 0;
foreach (DriveInfo d in allDrives)
lbl = new Label();
lbl.AutoSize = true;
lbl.Text = "Drive: " + d.Name.Substring(0,1) + "\n";
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + "FileType: " + d.DriveType + "\n";
if (d.IsReady)
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + "Volume label: " + d.VolumeLabel+ "\n";
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + "File system: " + d.DriveFormat + "\n";
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + "Available space to current user: " + d.AvailableFreeSpace + "bytes\n";
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + "Total available space: " + d.TotalFreeSpace + "\n";
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + "Total size of drive: " + d.TotalSize + "\n";
lbl.Top = i;
i = i + 110;

That's it...


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