Getting Drive Volume Information in C#

It's very easy to getting Volume Information of our logical drives by using kernel32.dll

Just copy and paste the following code then run it...that's it. :)

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool GetVolumeInformation(string Volume,
StringBuilder VolumeName, uint VolumeNameSize,
out uint SerialNumber, out uint SerialNumberLength, out uint flags,
StringBuilder fs, uint fs_size);

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
uint serialNum, serialNumLength, flags;
StringBuilder volumename = new StringBuilder(256);
StringBuilder fstype = new StringBuilder(256);
bool ok = false;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
foreach (string drives in Environment.GetLogicalDrives())
ok = GetVolumeInformation(drives, volumename, (uint)volumename.Capacity - 1, out serialNum,
out serialNumLength, out flags, fstype, (uint)fstype.Capacity - 1);
if (ok)
lblVolume.Text = lblVolume.Text + "\n Volume Information of " + drives + "\n";
lblVolume.Text = lblVolume.Text + "\nSerialNumber of is..... " + serialNum.ToString() + " \n";
if (volumename != null)
lblVolume.Text = lblVolume.Text + "VolumeName is..... " + volumename.ToString() + " \n";
if (fstype != null)
lblVolume.Text = lblVolume.Text + "FileType is..... " + fstype.ToString() + " \n";
ok = false;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

Hope this will helpful to you....


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