Add prerequisites of dotnet framework in visual studio setup project

When we developing an application using any platform we should prepare our application to be deployed properly. Specially for dotnet, the prerequisites of dotnet framework is must. So here by I am explaining how to add framework to be installed before our application installation process.

After developing our .Net application we need to create a setup project. Just follow the steps mentioned in below.

- Go to File menu, select Add New Project and then select Setup And Deployment in under “Other Project Types”.

- Give a name to your project as your wish.

- Then select your setup project solution and add Primary output of your developed project. You just need to right click your setup project in solution explorer, click add --> Project Output --> select your project.

- Then add custom action by right clicking setup project --> view --> Custom Actions --> right click Custom Actions --> Add Custom Actions.

- Now we are going to add the prerequisites for your setup project.

- Select your setup project right click and go to properties then click the Prerequisites button.

- Now select .Net Framework 2.0 tick box after selecting the “Create setup program to install prerequisite components”.

- Then specify the install location for prerequisites by selecting the option box.

- Here I am selecting the second one “Download prerequisites from the same location as my application”.

- Click ok and apply then ok.

- Now build your setup project, the dotnet framework will be added in your debug folder.

That's it...



Priyanka said...

This article was very helpful for me.But i want to add sqlexpress 2005 and crystal report in Prerequisities but when i add sqlexpress or SAP crystal report it gives an error..sir please help me.
please provide solution..
thanx in advance

Unknown said...

While make a setup how to include report rdlc?I get error of path not found in exe.

Unknown said...
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