Find Age from given DateOfBirth using C#

Hi all,

Just copy the following method in your class and call it with the parameters of date of birth and current date in DateTime format.

public string FindAge(DateTime dob, DateTime currentDate)
int years = currentDate.Year - dob.Year;
int months = 0;
int days = 0;
if(currentDate < dob.AddYears(Years) && Years != 0)
dob = dob.AddYears(years);
if (dob.Year == currentDate.Year)
months = currentDate.Month - dob.Month;
months = (12 - dob.Month) + currentDate.Month;
if(currentDate < dob.AddMonths(months) && months != 0)
dob = dob.AddMonths(months);
days = (currentDate - dob).Days;
return years + " years " + months + " months " + days + " days";

Copy the above code in your class...and call the method..enjoy... ;)


1 comment:

Jack Wu said...

The code is good but with one error as following:

if(currentDate < dob.AddYears(Years) && Years != 0)

you should change "Years" to "years" or it will cause the compile error.